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Amazing Blocks can tokenize Any Asset Legally

This story was migrated from our old blog, originally published on December 9th, 2020.

New Blog

This blog post first appeared first on old medium publication (, and was moved to this blog with the relaunch of our website in summer 2024.

Amazing Blocks can tokenize Any Asset Legally

Media Partnership

This podcast is in media partnership with crypto assets conference, an event taking place each year in spring and autumn in Frankfurt, organized by the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and their Blockchain Center.

You can learn more about the conference here:

You can learn more about Philipp Sandner, head of the Blockchain Center in our interview with him here:

The asset can be located anywhere, as long as it is legally owned by the SPV.Nicolas Weber, Amazing Blocks

The Interview Partner

We talk to Nicolas Weber (, in charge of business development Germany for Amazing Blocks (

Blockchain has the ability to disrupt every aspect of business.Nicolas Weber, Amazing Blocks

Affiliate Links

Why not learn from entrepreneurs and executives who are open to share their favorite books. We skimmed through some recommendations and that is what we found.

  • Recommended by: Bill Gates “Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker”

  • Recommended by: Jeff Bezos “Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras”

  • Recommended by: Elon Musk “Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future by Peter Thiel”

  • Recommended by: Tony Hsieh “Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization by Dave Logan”

  • Recommended by: Warren Buffet “Business Adventures: Twelve Classic Tales From the World of Wall Street by John Brooks”

  • Recommended by: Tim Cook “Competing Against Time by George Stalk and Thomas Hout”

Liechtenstein implemented the Token Act as a complete new law, other than for examples Switzerland, which is currently looking at adding to existing laws.Nicolas Weber, Amazing Blocks

Liechtenstein and it’s token act

Amazing Blocks is headquartered in the small, but beautiful microstate of Liechtenstein ( The country approximately the size of three times the island of Manhattan, with a total population of fewer than 40.000 people. They are nestled in the Alps between Austria and Switzerland. The country is a member of the European Economic Area ( The big advantage of such a small country is that they can get new laws realized amazingly fast. They did so with the token act, which is the basis for the work of Amazing Blocks and other blockchain startups headquartered there. The law permits the tokenization of debt and equity instruments. You can learn more about the law here (Article from University of Oulu and find an English version of the legislation here, on the official publication of the country of Liechtenstein (

The two unique parts about the Liechtenstein Token Act is that you can tokenize debt and equity.Nicolas Weber, Amazing Blocks

The Startup

The startup Amazing Blocks (, was founded in August to take advantage of the Liechtenstein Token Act and offer aid in tokenization for assets. They tokenize not “only” equity and debt. One example Nicolas gives is the tokenization of patents or trademarks so one can raise funds from investors to apply or register the rights, trademark, or patent.

Amazing Blocks is the first mover in EU compliant equity tokenization.Nicolas Weber, Amazing Blocks

The Video Interview is set to go live on December 10th, 2020

You can found your SPV (for tokenization) in Liechtenstein fully remotely.Nicolas Weber, Amazing Blocks

The Audio Interview is Live

Subscribe to our podcasts here

If you are careful, you can theoretically tokenize assets in China or the US.Nicolas Weber, Amazing Blocks

Further Readings / Additional Resources

During this interview, we hinted at another Interview with Rally Rd:

Automated Transcript


[0:00] Music.

[0:16] And Live Events welcome everybody this is Joe from startup oratorio your startup podcast and you to block from Germany today we have a little Premiere herewe have the first startup from it’ll Lichtenstein here if you’ve never heard of this,country it’s an independent country it is nestled between Austria and Switzerland in the Alps.For everybody out there that’s inside of Europe and they are.Wait they’re very small they’re smaller than the island of Manhattan with a small population they are way ahead on the blockchain,that’s what we are talking about today and would like to welcome my guests from amazing blocks based in this trench time hey Nikolas how you doing.

[1:08] Hey Joe thank you for having me I’m fine a little six little but thankfully no Corona so I’m good and you.

[1:17] I’m doing great thank you and as always my frequent listeners already know that I have been.Looking at your profile here in LinkedIn actually we may tell the people you are the guy in the suit and neither the dog nor the old lady right.Yeah I mean it depends on from Rich perspective you’re looking but I’m like the guy in the suit yes the my group with my grandma and my dog I kind of like to portray myself as someone,you know who is like a family person so I think I kind of wanted to distance myself from the typical LinkedIn CV pictures I guess.

[1:58] I see see see everybody would like to reach out to you directly of course go down here in the show notes wherever you’re seeing or listeningwherever you’re watching this or listening to this podcast they’ll be a link to our blog post and of course on the blog post their link to your personalLinkedIn profile.

The Interview Partner

[2:19] I have seen that you’ve been not necessarily a developer in terms of software development but rather used TV shows a lot of Automotive experience how did you end up witha blockchain company yeah well I think like many people that join the blockchain space.

[2:43] I first had to go my way through the traditional world of finance and business in terms of Automotive I was born and raised in karlsruhe Germany.And obviously causes in the state of baden-württemberg and here you know the car industry the automotive Industries is quite you know has quite a cluster especially we stood guard being closed so hence.In my early days I started working for Daimler I kind of went through the production process has kind of experience.A global player first hand they’re also because my grandpa back in the day is used to own a car shop and the car reparation.Um so therefore I the beginning I guess I just wanted to kind of follow my family steps but this kind of quickly change though.

[3:36] We may add for all the people out there listening in Poland Japan mainland China wherever you are out there stood cut is a city in the south west of Germany you may not know it.Personally but you know products coming from there like companies are headquartered there like Bosch Mercedes,Mercedes-Benz AKA Daimler because the company behind it is called daimler-benz as well as Porsche so you can already see oh yeah there is a big Manufacturingcluster they’re actually from the information I have it’s the biggest machine building in automotive cluster in the whole world so karlsruhe I wouldI would counted in the Stuttgart bucket there within the cluster and that totally makes sensethat you’ve been working,in automotive let’s talk a little bit about how you turn to what’s blockchain what.

[4:41] What was your first experience how did you learn about blockchain.

[4:47] Yeah I mean I think like everybody induction everybody has like that wow moments that kind of get them into the blockchain space.For me it was on the one hand you know going through the traditional world of business or experience it firsthand and seeing this.The many inefficiency is there only one hand of course you know that the costly and.Time-consuming processes.The amount of paperwork that especially companies in Germany I was thinking have to go through our you know handle their processes with only one hand but on the other hand also in terms of looking at the world as a whole.I’m someone who is kind of also interested in you know Saul should Consciousness and financial inclusion.

[5:38] So so when I when I really started you know hearing about something that can be used.You know as a payment for cross-border payments peer-to-peer within seconds that was like okay how is this possible and that kind of started.Back in 2015 2016 doing my own research.

[5:59] Because I have some friends out of from Gambia for instance that that send money to their their families every month and and obviously have to see and figure out.Okay how am I going to avoid maybe pay having to pay 10% of fees to Western Union and,and aspects in companies like this and therefore I kind of you know sorry getting interested in this new technology of production in the beginninglike many people probably thought okay hey blockchain Bitcoin is something that’s used for payments.Um I mean nowadays everybody is combining blockchain technology with Bitcoin directly most people think okay Bitcoins blockchain basically especially early stage people in this space,it was the same for me to be honest but I quickly started,learning the the amount of possibilities that boxing inherited the technology to disrupt just about any sector,and business and our world and for me personally I started kind of trying out a couple of the product calls,um I started investing a bit too I mean I guess everybody kind of.Made their mistakes in the Ico craze of it but I learned from it.

[7:16] And I think for me personally the ICL crisis especially was a very healthy andmeaningful period where I learned a lot for my future because first of all I meanI learned to to critically assess blockchain protocols a bit more made some important lessons but on the other hand I think throughout the I so crazy especially when when all the negative aspects came into Force.You could really see okay the the established and trustworthy protocols.And kind of crystallized themselves as well and the other hand the they were they they were the protocols where you were able to see development and progress,in the future and the u.s. able to see that they actually trying to actually in the process of still building something whereas the other protocols and projects to scams or.We’re the ones very suddenly didn’t hear anything anymore.

[8:15] What was interesting for me is I’m.

[8:22] I like to read about financial history yeah I know I’m a real geek but the the basic blueprintexcept for the big scams of blockchain was development on steroids you’ve seen in bubble but not only in bubble but also in Railway Mania back in the 19thcentury and if you go back like tulips and stuff like this it seems to be a very underlying humanpsychology phenomenon that you actually totally overrated a new technology at the beginning and then at one point if there’s really a basis to it,it’ll turn out to bereally game-changing but it has to go through hype cycle first I do believe but we are now.

Liechtenstein Token Act

[9:17] Now getting a little bit into your company amazing blocks tell us a little bit about.What you guys are doing and how delicious instant token act plays a role in it little hint here we also talked about,indirectly about list each time token act as a.

[9:41] Hint as a blueprint in our interview with Professor Philip son of the Frankfurt School who is advising the German government,in setting up their own blockchain law for which of course the Liechtenstein,token Act is a great inspiration and if you would like to learn more about this go down here in the show notes there is a link to the interview now,let’s go to amazing blocks and you guys.

[10:15] Yeah so funny that you mentioned Phillips under he’s very convinced of the current state indigenous time.

[10:24] This is the Chinese and inconspicious Country obviously and I’m sure most of your listeners have not barely heard about it,however in terms of Regulation the Hindustan is you know very forward-thinking and future-oriented.The nation stand co connect or production actor TV TV I mean it has many names came into force in January of this year 2020.

[10:51] And it has a unique aspect because I mean security token offerings and security token laws have been kind of slowly developing.In some jurisdictions like for instance even Germany were able to tokenize aspects are financial instruments such as.Depth or participation certificates however so far it’s not really possible to tokenize activity.Um which is which is kind of from a neutral perspective I really do not understand why it’s not the case yet,however it obviously makes sense from the perspective that regulates four steps to kind of tap into the technology and find out what it means.Um you can Stein implemented the talking act as a complete new law other than for instance Switzerland which is currently looking into,um you know adding to existing laws in terms of preparing themselves for the,for the blockchain space and the web 3.0 which is approaching.The talking act kind of relies are relies on the tofu container model.

[12:03] Token container man that you can kind of imagine it’s like a container where any right or asset can be placed.And that therefore the token acts as a physical embodiment.Of these assets and rights and here that allows to equity and ownership.

[12:23] When he was on the other hand you sure can also tokenization.

[12:26] The patient certificate and other other financial instruments but the true unique aspects about the Lincolnshire and talk next are these two parts stepped in it.And also what’s quite interesting about the token Act is that the topic doesn’t really of course the name in officially is talking act or a blockchain act however you know the official name is trusted technology.Um or it relies on a trusted technology which can be blocked but doesn’t have to be blockchainand this is also I think a very interesting part of this law that allows kind of you know much more broader degree of.Um you know flexibility for companies and peonies leveraging it and here.Amazing blocks we are first mover in the space of Legally compliant tokenization of you compliant equity tokenization.Um we were founded in August of this year officially obviously like any startup before we had our stealth mode.

[13:32] The we kind of started developing but how we found it ourselves we find ourselves with a theorem as initial contribution.Which is one of the other core benefits that they can shine talking like inherits because you do not need a bank account so to say in English time.You can basically found your SPV and they can send fully remotely.Without having to travel to listen Shine without having to adhere to two lawyers and notaries in Liechtenstein per se.And there and also with you do you can use your typical bank at home for operatingpurposes of your SPV and exchange your legal entity in the hidden stone and this is what we did to ourselves and this can also be verified on either scan this transaction.

[14:25] And and subsequently after this we also generated our first Equity token.The amazing box Equity top which can also be verified on either scan as well.And for the listeners that you cannot find this on my LinkedIn profile and I’m also the writer at the amazing box so therefore there’s a lot of information there,but yeah I mean the least enchant talking Act is kind of is a perfect demonstration of a you know of a sure small regulator like we can say anything they can change as a population of around 50,000.

[14:59] But this just clearly shows that these small Regulators just have the chance to adapt far more quickly due to the ever-changing world of technology than for instance,um J station is like the us or the EU which sure em kind of drafted me collect a couple of weeks ago however,especially a lot of the newly drafted laws in this world are actually using Lichtenstein as a role model.

[15:30] A small country leading the world I like that we have listeners from more than 180 countries out there.Just between you me and a few ten thousands of listeners can you tell can you go a little bit more into detail because what I found very interestingas not living in Liechtenstein you can set up a legal entity there,how did you do that you reach out to Law Firm there and secondly you don’t even need a bank account there.My question would be could you also work like with an American with a Chinese bank account or does it have to be in the European Union.

[16:16] Um yeah I mean this is a good question that the benefit of Hindustan is.That they can shine has EU path putting as being a member of the European economic area there for.It’s correctly stated European bank account is not an issue China and the US is a little tricky here,obviously especially in the US.The SEC is paying a lot of attention and being very careful and very hesitant.From a from a theoretical perspective it is possible.To leverage the top neck from from any jurisdiction in the world.But I would highly suggest before kind of you know especially when you come from from the u.s. or China these two conglomerates on each side of the world.Um you kind of have to be a bit careful because sure you have EP you pass parting with her they can talk Nick sure it’s a law that is applicable in any country or that you know kind of bet is verifiable,um or verified in any country in the world but you should still have to kind of take care or look in your own garden so to say because.

[17:33] Um especially in u.s. it can be still quite difficult however I see progress in the us as well.As I NX for those that have not heard about it I and X is a fully regulated trip to assets exchange that was the first to actually receive an SEC approval.

[17:51] And we also in talks with them.

[17:56] Which which which are also kind of considering Lichtenstein as a very auspicious you know jurisdiction for the future especially when talking about integrating,token eyes — assets into crypto exchanges.Because the benefit about Lichtenstein is as long as you have set up an STD in the handstand which kind of functions as an umbrella.You can basically tokenize anything so so like it doesn’t matter where this acid is located as long as it’s legally binding.Owned byby this SPV by this umbrella and the hinge stand and also what is quite interesting in the content is that you do not have to just have a traditional Aggiewhich is kind of similar to our American listeners like an LLC you can also have a kind of what’s called a PCC.Which kind of functions as an umbrella and then you can have from like from a balance sheet perspective several independent I guess the tokenize.Below the umbrella of the tokenization.

[19:05] You know Governor so to say and then each again would be an independent asset and for instance asset a could be also something that is located in the US.Which then would also allow you to have a bank account in USA could be also.As it be could be and as I said which is a machine in China for instance which is associated with the Chinese bank accounttherefore from our understanding and our perspective show you have to take care of certainyou know precautionary steps if you especially talk about these two sensitive jurisdictions but just remain neutral perspective and the theoretical perspective it is possible yeah.

[19:47] Very good answer and very thorough for everybody who’s little bit more interested we link down here in the show notes in the article on the list and don’t token Actin English and we also find an unofficial transcript,off the 172 pages of the listing stand token act which you can find down here in the show notes as well the link will directly open upPDF now we have light the grounds for the SPV listing Tanto connect so what is amazing blocks doingon like this base amazing blocks is.

The Startup Amazing Blocks

[20:32] Just moving this time and what this means is we are.

[20:39] One of the first of probably the first company to actually leverage the topic we were the first company ever,to to find ourselves as mentioned with a theorem as initial computer and contribution and therefore allowing a banker’s incorporation and we are the first everto actually generate to equity tokens for an Against Time.And from our service perspective to anyone that’s interested we on the one hand kind of consult our.Throughout the establishment process.And how do we do this we have Bethany with our close collaboration with legal partners,such as Nagel attorneys at law which were actually involved in drafting this profound legal framework in distance time and and other law firms,and being in close contact also with additional authorities we kind of developed a blueprint and templates for the establishment process.Typically The Establishment process of a legal entity in this insane can take up to three to four.

[21:44] With our blueprint which is a detailed guide explaining each step of the way each day specifically its you can kind of reduce the set-up time to 3 to 4 weeks.And you do not have to travel to the content at all.And another benefit here is that we provide basically this blueprint free of charge to our clients because this is not our main focus in terms of our.

[22:10] So therefore the clients can decide okay hey do I want to take care of each step myself especially when addressing or maybe a dress you know early stage startups which has.Cause obviously or do I want to Outsource these steps to for instance amazing docks.And so basically we covered the entire life cycle in terms of establishment and then on the other hand on top of this our main product consists of our software solution.Which is a software as a service called on token pad and this is like kind of you know also.Covering the entire life cycle so we are it’s an issuance platform to generate the tokens so therefore you can mint and subsequently issued the tokens to whitelist of the theorem addresses it’s an Administration platformwhich which covers aspects such as role assignment for the addresses the whitelisting aspect.And you can also have investor or onboarding with kyc name Ln our platform so basically we call it fundraising on the go.

[23:16] We’re within a 20 to 30 minute time frame.Um you can unburden investors enter their respective information needed for deletion authorities like if theorem wallet address contact information date of birth and so on and then you can.After that the going through this process and registering the shareholder you can subsequently already issue first mint and then issue these Equity tokens to the respective World addresses.Also what is a unique aspect that we have and which kind of differentiates us from.From other tokenization platforms that we have a digital share register which is completely,valid in terms of me not complying with election authorities it’s integrated into our software.And can also be for instance download as a PDF very easily so you can also have it in paper form if wanted or needed.

[24:16] Which obviously is not our goal because we want to address the digital age however we still want to have this option because we kind of see us also as a bridge between the two worlds the traditional Finance world,I do not want to say regressive here I don’t want to offend anyone obviously but and and the progressive and advanced Block Chain spaceand also our platform which is m is in the finest as like these two aspects issue in the administration are life,today in November 2020 and at the end of this year we will also have an Investor’s sweet ready.Which would then also cover you know the life cycle of these tokenized entities is tokenized assets from an investor perspective where investors can register in terms of K what seen a male and subsequently also.Manage their their totals so to say so this is our product and.

[25:16] In terms of how we offer our product to our clients is thatas mentioned we provide this blueprint and templates for free so usually the establishment process is something very just assist and then we have a basically a subscription-based feature our platform where,where they can make our clients can then manage their tokenization tetiz,throughout the entire life cycle and also what’s interesting to mention is that the any type of ear C20 compatible.Wallet such as mathematics for instance can be integrated to our platform so therefore this acts as a custody for these tokens as we do not want to kind of,okay cope with it aspect of custody we just want to provide our clients as software which is highly customizable as well so for instance if you want to tokenize your podcast you could have.It would mean my shares of some startup radio podcast for instance it will not be amazing books.

[26:17] Mentioned anywhere for instance so therefore because of the chance of white labeling or solution and yeah,there we also have our core product of the consists of these two aspects but as we are not a custodian we also want to obviously.Tech or tackle the issue with a liquid secondary Market a primary Market is obviously very easy doable but the secondary Market especially a liquid secondary Market is quitesubstantial issue I would say still especially present in the,sto space because the market cap is quite low the amount of you know Traders as well.So therefore we are in the process of establishing a lot of collaborations and Partnerships.With with custodians around nickname Stein but also from other places in the world.Because we kind of want to to have this direct access to these exchanges for our clients because,this will also in the future especially allow.Our clients to integrate defying to tokenization for those that may not know D Phi D Phi is decentralized finance one of the latest trends in the plugins face kind of,so you can kind of compare it right now to the early stages of the Ico craze I would say.

[27:42] With a lot of interesting projects emerging on the one hand but also a lot of scams emerging but Defy is very promisingand here even these tokenized assets could be in the future integrated as collateral for instance.Search for taking a loan without a central intermediary like a bank having to provide you this loan.Um and then you kind of you know use your house as collateral for this bank but you would be able to use it as collateral in this defect protocols without having to kind of give the power to a centralized Authority.

[28:17] And I think this is also a very interesting use case that that we will provide in the future because here you know for us or for the tokenization space in general liquidity is quite an issue any one hand.And also for the defect spaceliquidity is still an issue and therefore by being able to kind of bridge these words to say to speak in these terms again we will be able to integrate reword assets which is a trillion dollar market obviously into these protocols between themit turned out much more liquid market for these different product calls but also allow us to kind of create a,you know complete complex and healthy secondary Market in the future.

[29:01] We may add that amazing blogs the reason you’re here was a participant in the cryptoasset conference which is of course organized by our favorite Philip Santana and we are producing this by the way in media partnership that’s why you saw the logo in the beginningwhen you’ve been talking I was taking some notes and actually what I find interesting is the secondary Market that you try to provide some liquidity for everybody who’s not familiar with the capital markets there’s some.

[29:37] Securities out there you can trade easily you will always find the seller and the buyer forApple but if you are on the other hand have bonds that mature in 2030 from the city of Munich it may be a lot harder so they are already Securities who lack liquidity but for those,makes more sense to put them on blockchain to lower the administrative burden.

[30:03] People may not know but when we’re talking about custodian we’re not talking about the legal custodian who takes care of a child we’re talking aboutlegal entity some specialized type of bank that is actuallysafekeeping the security the assets of the people who deposited them there and.Finally what I wrote down is when you talked about like collateralization so basically you can put something in legal entity tokenizer and then hand out those tokens that will be like.

[30:40] The cake the Next Generation for what we partly know today as crowdfunding so basically you don’t get any.That shares.In terms of participation in a crowdfunding campaign but you can actually get real tokens is that something you talking about.

[31:01] Yes that is correct because we tokenization in general you have the chance to kind of

Tokenization Of Assets

[31:09] you know morph illiquid assets such as for instance a classic-car pageants real estate.All right.Just about anything and just by the way it amazing luxury we can customize our solution to all of these use cases you can kind of move all of these these assets into two highly tuned 24/7 tradable asset classes,um some say okay you create a whole new asset class other say okay you kind of just enhance current structures from whatever perspective you want to consider it still allows you to have a liquid,market and liquid trade for any of these assets which which is quite substantial from my perspective because if you look at real estate for instance,or and let’s just stay with real estate for now we just ate is a very liquid Market it’s one of the most valuable markets out there and it’s I think even people that are nottoo familiar with financial markets understand the value of real estate however.

[32:13] Basically when you own a house just to be completely blunt when you own a house you just the money that this house is worth is,basically fiction or it’s in the air you cannot catch you don’t have direct access to this money it’s not liquid it’s not integrated into the.

[32:31] If you token as real estate.This changes because now you have a legal representation in the form of tokens for this for this house for the ownership in this house.And which can be 20% traded so you can decide hey do I want to raise some capital and sell some share of my house or or as an investment firm do I want to have like a portfolio of real estate from all over the world.For instance which is much more liquid than the current in Prem you know real estate portfolios out there and also from the perspective of other assets such as patents or art.

[33:11] Which I kind of exotic assets especially when talking about patents patents is it’s an elect intellectual property of course,which which can sometimes pave the way for a billion dollar Enterprise.

[33:25] But but where is the value in these patterns you know like they’re there you cannot monetize these patterns there there’s a lot of companies out there that have very from a theoretical or neutral perspective a very valuable patents but they cannot really leverage them,because they made the invention.But they do not know how to good went go on because they have no money no money Terry needs in terms of actually taking advantage of their invention.And also because of and looking at registration processes all across the world the patent industry is a very fragmented one,so so basically sure the EU has a kind of standardized model in place but.

[34:06] If you register a patent in the you this doesn’t mean that this patent is registered all across the world.And so therefore just registered in you you have cause then you have to register all across the world you have cost so therefore these are costs that the startup usually cannot.Um you know hey and therefore kind of you know making this patent or morphing this pattern into a liquid asset,um you will be able to actually on the one hand from an investor perspective tray into the brightest Innovations in our contemporary world.And and kind of have a hedge against inflation and an alternative to traditional shares because you can now have equity in these patterns.

[34:47] And from the perspective of a company,innovating these patterns you have the chance to actually raise funds without having to kind ofsell your entire company to a VC or having to taken enormous loan from a from a credit Institute now you can kind of have a crowdfunding that you mentioned also with these patterns and from of actuallyyou know finding it with a monetary,influx that comes from you know sharing equity in these patterns and also from other Industries such as the art industry which is a very you know I mean I think art is one of the most,important aspects of humanity in terms of it and the role it inheritsand in the represent in representing what humans ages where you know influence by basically and instead terms of social economic aspects as well.

[35:46] And here the market is very you know also in liquid just to use this word again on the one hand and also.I trach has a high value such as real estate as well but this value is not really,in our current Financial system it’s not integrated and if you can tokenize a for if you tokenize art the only one hand can skip all these intermediaries from a perspective of an artist you don’t have to,go through auction houses to sell your art you don’t have to pay the fees you don’t have to kind of pay someone to list your projects because you can do everything in yourself you can basically raise funds for your artwork,and turn it into an asset class through peer-to-peer payments and peer-to-peer fundraising and peer-to-peer and mission of equity and.

[36:36] Therefore for instance that you can you could say in the future hey I want to invest 10 euros or $100 into Mona Lisa for instance just.To just dream big but this is a possibility that comes across with this and therefore we believe that the tokenization especially complaint tokenization can hear,kind of be the go-to place and when going back to the custody solutions that you mentioned on the one hand you have these custody solutions that we which are kind of similar to Banks.I’m like the traditional exchanges such as Finance who coined and so on but on the other hand which is also something that is kind of newly emerging are decentralized exchanges.Where there’s no centralized market-maker there’s a disease it’s a decentralized trading platform.Um with no you no intermediary and place kind of fulfilling these transactions and I think this is a quite a interesting,you know perspective and solution in the future where we can have like,am Market a financial Market that only one hand integrates all of the assets not only tradition company shares but all assets in this world which can also provide a lot of financial inclusion toto me you know.

[37:52] The people that may own valuable resources but do not know how to leverage this especially in you know lower,I’m developed countries in terms of people that do not have access to the current Financial structure that we have in the western world as of now and on the other hand this canprovide a lot of liquidity and investment to kind of Forgotten asset classes for instance like classic cars as wellI mean Cassie cars have an immense intrinsic value.

[38:23] Sure everybody loves their 1958 Ferrari but but no one can really have access to thisbecause it’s in the hands of some large volume or you know individuals which which which you have these cars in there,garages and no one really can see them but with its tokenization for instance just to kind of finish my thought here you could technically say okay you turn this classic car into an asset class,with Equity you can sell this Equity to shareholders,and then you subsequently additionally issue Equity at coupon tokens which will grant you for instance one week of driving this carand then the you say okay hey this it’s this driving a this car for one week will cost you among X,and then after this payment is made of amount x amount X is split up between all the shareholders or token holders in this equity in and you can buy have like a dual growth model you want to and you earn money in terms of,the traditional supply and demand principle and a hedge against inflation with this asset class and on the other hand you have cut you have kind of you kind of generating a.

[39:33] A traditional or a passive income with this which is kind of similar to dividends but much more reliable also in talking about machineswhich you work where you can integrate paper you systems and then issue the amount that is earned there to the respective token holdersalso why this kind of an interesting model is equity cash back which I’m currently kind of.Doing some research in because it also gives you the chance to kind of any make payments on somewhere when you find since buy your shoes from Adidas that you will in turn with kind of have like a micro investing that in terms of receiving,small fractions of equity which is also something that is possible with tokens,so I believe there is there’s a lot of potential here and at amazing Cox we really are you know the verge of are on the cusp of this industry and and I believe in it looking in the future this is just we’re just at the tip of the iceberg.

[40:28] When you’ve been talking I didn’t mean to interrupt you but just one word answer could you also.As you discuss with the patent could you also tokenize a trademark and therefore enable a small start-up to leverage that and make a put a trademark.M in a container and tokenization.

[40:54] To enable a start-up to register it globally yeah that’s possible that is no issue at all,great and we’ve been talking about quite a lot you talked about classic cars what I had in mind is we did an interview back in 2018 it was published on the 24th of May 2018 you can of course find it down here in the show notes what you talked about classic cars Rally Road is alreadydoing it in the US with cars as a normal equity.Entity I think we’re now recording more than 40 minutesI do believe we would still have a lot to talk but everybody would like to learn more can go down here in the show notes can reach out to you directly in LinkedInthere you’ll also find the amazing blocks website as well as articles and the PDF of the leash title connectand of course the link to the crypto asset conference which already took place at time of this recording but there will be another one coming up for 2021 only thing left for me to say is,thank you very much with pleasure having you here and I do believe there was a lot of very interesting content here.

[42:17] Thank you Joe also from my side it’s great to be here and.Thank you for this opportunity you provided us I love what you’re doing with your podcast you know kind of providing a platform.To to this young startups and enabling them to kind of speak to the world so again thank you very much and.

[42:44] Music.

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