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ENGLISH WORLD PREMIERE: The City of Mainz Just Started on Its Way to Becoming a World-Class BioTech Hub

Autorenbild: Juan Diego Parra CastilloJuan Diego Parra Castillo

Premiere: This is the first time ever the city of Mainz talks in English about its intentions to turn itself into a biotech hub. This is an English language world premiere. — Stay ahead of the curve with

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This blog post first appeared first on old medium publication (, and was moved to this blog with the relaunch of our website in summer 2024.

We want to create a world class ecosystem for biotechnology.Felix Wälder, Project Coordinator BioTech-Hub Mainz

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We not only focus on the bio part, but we also see the importance of the tech aspect in developing biotechnology products.Felix Wälder, Project Coordinator BioTech-Hub Mainz

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We want some of the next big ideas to be developed in Mainz and enable them to grow in Mainz.Felix Wälder, Project Coordinator BioTech-Hub Mainz

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We do a lot … even much more than just renting out lab space to make this project a success.Felix Wälder, Project Coordinator BioTech-Hub Mainz

The City

The City of Mainz has a very long history, founded by the Romans on the right side of the river Rhine in the 1st century BC. It is the native city of Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the movable type printing press. The city is the capital of the German state of Rhineland Palatine and home to several universities, including the research-heavy Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU).

Great brains came to Mainz and gathered around great minds … translating their knowledge in products [the COVID vaccine]Felix Wälder, Project Coordinator BioTech-Hub Mainz

The city is also home to a growing biotech cluster including spinoffs of the JGU, especially BioNTech, known as the brains behind the BioNTech Pfizer corona vaccines. The company is a smashing success, to a degree that this company alone increased the German GDP by 0,5% ( Note that Germany has the 4th largest GDP in the world.

This success fills the coffers of the city with money, which in turn they will invest in turning the city into one of the world’s premier biotech and tech hubs.

We want startups and investors to come to Mainz, become successful here and stay here.Felix Wälder, Project Coordinator BioTech-Hub Mainz

The Guest

Our guest today is Felix Wälder (, who works for the City of Mainz’s utility holding company ZBM. Felix’s studies also took him to the University of North Carolina Wilmington. ZBM provides many services for the city and also takes the lead for the Biotech-Hub Project ( Felix is the project coordinator for BioTech-Hub Mainz.

NOTE: We made a little mistake in the name tag, Felix is not an MD for the City of Mainz, but for the ZBM.

We will coordinate within the city and give startups, investors and interested parties all the answers they need.Felix Wälder, Project Coordinator BioTech-Hub Mainz

The Video Interview is set to go live on Thursday, April 6th, 2022

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The Interviewer

This interview was conducted by Jörn “Joe” Menninger, startup scout, founder, and host of Reach out to him:

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