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Xperience+ Wants To Change How You Watch Sports And Movies Forever

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This blog post first appeared first on old medium publication (, and was moved to this blog with the relaunch of our website in summer 2024.

Xperience+ Wants To Change How You Watch Sports Forever

In 1917, an Italian guy put audio in a movie … more than 100 years later, we are still here.Fabrizio Gramuglio, CEO and Co-Founder Xperience+

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The Founder(s)

Fabrizio is the Co-Founder and CEO of Xperience+ ( Fabricio is by training a geneticist, but he found the lab work not really appealing, so he set out on a new path. Fabricio is also a Ted Speaker (

Pedro is the CMO and Co-Founder of Xperience+ (, who is also the founder of the local tech blog Frankfurt Valley (, as well as the community manager of (

Both together manage the local chapter of the singularity university (

Why don’t we let life the people around the world the experiences they want — in a very immersive way?Fabrizio Gramuglio, CEO and Co-Founder Xperience+

The Startup

Xperience+ ( is not itself a hardware provider. The company offers on its app a marketplace for companies to join the Internet of Senses and use the protocols of Xperience+ for this.

Part of the offer will also be a Library of Senses, in which experiences can be stored and retrieved at will.

We are working on letting fans experience their favorite game from the perspective of a player — with all five senses. It will be totally immersive.Pedro Ferreira, CMO and Co-Founder Xperience+

The Xperience+ App

The app is currently not available to the public. Currently, the app is in closed beta status. They are working on the library and the option to stream videos. We will let you know when the app is available.

We are working on disrupting the “old” audio and video media and bring in all the five senses.Fabrizio Gramuglio, CEO and Co-Founder Xperience+

Venture Capital Funding

Xperience+ has already raised a seed investment of 500.000 €. They are open to additional external investors.

If this works guys, you will put every diet out of business, since people can taste everything, without gaining the calories.Joe Menninger, CEO and Founder on Xperience+

The Video Interview is set to go live on February 23rd, 2021, at 17.00 CET (Frankfurt/Paris/Zurich)

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The Interviewer

This interview was conducted by Jörn “Joe” Menninger, startup scout, founder and host of Reach out to him:LinkedInTwitterEmail

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[0:00] Music.

[0:08] That I owe you were podcast and YouTube blog covering the German.

[0:13] Music.

[0:19] Hello and welcome everybody this is Joe from celebrated Arrow your startup podcast and you to block from Germany today I do have two guests in a remote interview hey guys how you doing.

The Founders

[0:32] Hi everyone everything is great thank you for the opportunity to talk we we are very excited.Yes that’s very great actually we can tell the audience that it is our second attempt the first attempt was totally backed by Tech so I’m very happy to have you guys here and I would like to welcome,Pedro and fabrizzio form as everybody can tell from your ass background experienceplus but before we get into the start-up many people may know Peter because he’s he has multiple functions including our,Community manager many people don’t know fabrizzio,can you tell us a little bit about you about your severe what he did in the past yes.

[1:24] So very quick overview let’s say I had a very funny and a bit of schizophrenic training I’d agreed as a geneticist so basically biology with a specialization in genetics.That’s why I still love crisp because I can combine obviously it.And delete it but after University I try some lab work and didn’t really find so exciting so I decided my,other All Peoples it basically during University I was let’s say cracking software and reselling to my teachers and that,wasn’t very good way to happen very nice leaving University look basically that was my first job.Afterward in 2000 I entering the w3c you know the World Wide Web Consortium in two different groups.Um voice browsing were working group and the multimodal interaction work you basically the ability to interact with web design General obligation with not only your keyboard.

[2:27] I’m from their iron startup and Italy and then some years later another startup in the New York area.Where I stayed basically free years in the meantime I also went beat around the world working for different company as a consultant in The Voice.One question because he repent lie Italian can you confirm one thing to ask that every every type box me what’d he get.In New York most of the time is American Italian food right it’s now authentic Italian food right.

[3:05] Oh yeah no honestly talking I’m Italian bread never eat Italian food abroad.That that is pretty good and.To finally close this argument in my family nobody will Cheez-Its they all the most often find in the market yeah that’s a candle soap when directly on your.Dish if you insist okay I was talking about chicken alfredo but I’m already pretty sure that it’s not Italian but sorry I love to take detours and a lift a little bit the mood go ahead.

[3:45] Hello and that’s after these opportunity I come up here in Frankfort for supporting a startup called kinetic tolerance.Where I relocated two years and some months ago,this is what I’m at better and how did it happen that you met your,

The Co-Founders Meet — Of Course Over Food

[4:05] co-founders Pedro let me I think the first meet the dinner so very Italian or on the table with food and we have a common friend.After that we had other coffees regrows Italian coffers.Um in different bar here in Frankfort and after that we talked about the opportunity to launch the local chapter of Singularity University event we are still managed.And after the last event would like to say with a nice assess.

[4:41] And once I presenting an idea but I have the my back let’s say mind for a lot of time.

[4:50] And it was pretty excited so we decided to why not okay I see you see it’s,for everybody who knows Peter it’s totally uncommon he doesn’t talk a lot he’s very talkative so Peter can you tell us a little bit about the sort of ideawell I think yeah this friend in common that we have I think she identified that we as human beings have very similar threat like yeah,immersive Technologies exponential Technologies and it was,they could match so I think I invited Fabrice you to pitch at one of the events that I was organizingand although the feedback from the jury’s was not the best or the most positive I was straightI was there and I said well I want to work on these idea and I think the day after I just came to Fabricio and saywell I really see the potential so let’s keep in contact because yeah maybe when things are.

[6:07] Moving forward maybe I can jump into the gameand it happened so here we were with here we are and my understanding is that you guys are working on the internet of sensors right.

Xperience+ And The Internet Of Senses

[6:23] Exactly exactly and everybody knows I have a dirty mind first thing that came to my mind is finally long distance relationships aren’t that dull anymore in the future but what you guys are actually working on.

[6:39] So usually when I talk and when I’m Phi is saying very simple things in 1917 and Italian guy.Put out your inside silent movie and that was the first Revolution after 100 the year we are still here audio and video.And as you can understand that’s pretty boring and not Merson so why.

[7:02] We don’t find a way to add the other senses so basically smell touch taste is.

[7:09] Humidity temperature and blah blah blah and this is what we are working on so at the beginning we started with the area to allow people.Is all our message was formerly part of say,to leave a limited realities removing any kind of barriers it could be a geographical it could be if you don’t have an after and if you don’t get enough money if you can’t because you have the some physical limitation.So why we don’t allow all these people around the world to live whatever experiences we want in a very Mercy way.And we started we just times streaming and then now we are moving to streaming video on demand a TR.YouTube,that’s good and then we are so basically what we are working on is exactly this one disrupt the media the out the old audio and video media and bring your five senses in all the kind of.

[8:08] Media you can have so basically you bring smell and taste toothe

experience but you’re not working on the hardware yourself and when you set that I thought hmm that’s a good idea for most of the movies but if I thinkabout something like the alien franchise maybe it’s not a good idea for every movieI think under the II a lien if you talk about y’all and based on some very a peek,seeing like for example when she start burning everything.

[8:42] Probably all like to feel the smell of burning eggs and burning aliens around you bored try to understand what does it mean really to leave.In a place with no smell or what is the smell of the small planet where they land the first time.We’re looking for something very very engaging so I was.I’m still pretty curious to know what is the smell on other planets meet me to one question but you guys are working on the protocols right.

[9:16] At the moment we’re working on the protocol so we are working on enabling as much as solution as we can but,Ben the future maybe maybe we will work on the hardware.And I say maybe because at the moment we are let’s say Hardware agnostic as means but we would like to serve to each customer.What you can experience based on his whole Hardware because you know everyone is talking about they are we are but we have a problem devices probably you have one I have one,but most of the people steal don’t act 1.So we have the internet or senses there’s a lot of devices like in iot Market as a lot on the Bison but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.I’ll going to say Democratic penetration on this devices so at the beginning we want to make people we want to enable people.

[10:13] To use their own devices and later maybe we will start thinking at brain-computer interfaces and develop on that direction.So Joe I was just gonna say something that you mentioned so we don’t,really produce devices at the moment so what I’ve been doing in the past months is a bit like mapping down the different producers and talking to themtrying to promote what we call the internet of census Alliance where we bring them all into the same yeah platformto enable these to really enable that under this protocol everyone will be able to stream what they are working on so,it’s been quite interesting I’ve been talking to device producers all over the world from I don’t know talk to youto La so it’s been really interesting the feedback and validation as well it’s quite positive and yeah it’s an amazing journey.And let me get this straight so basically what are you guys enabling for example in case of Pedro somebody canbook a streaming with you at one point in the future and you can walk along the beaches of Lisbon for example and if somebody wants to do something really scary he can go with a brittle in the in the traffic of Rome right.

[11:43] Exactly so once we start when we started we have something that it’s in the market right now it’s calledxperience+ app so it’s the app that we develop is the marketplace to connect dreamers and doers so so that if someone really wants toexperience something very specific we try to find someone out there that will supportto make this dream come true so as you described if we have someone that wants to experience a market in India we will connect with the doer in India that will dothe tour guideon the market stream not only the audio and the the video as we said but as well the smells of the market if he wants to taste some specific food everything should be arranged in order to stream all all everything.

[12:40] And the future because you mention in the future the future is form Alpha hat is not here’s what I had in mind is alwayslike the lot of big trouble you have when you cannot like directly stimulate the brain in terms of smell and taste do you have any idea if Hardware producers can already cope with something like this.

[13:07] So you are talking I mean if I understand correctly your question you’re talking it Advanced a way to.Trust me to stimuli by passing the say organ on receptors and going directly to the brain about I was I was asking.At one point this may be possible but until then let’s talk in 235 years how are the hardware producers going to cope with that how can they artificially generate smell and taste that would be something I would be curious about.

[13:43] No so for smell most of the producing today are working on not generate this metal on the Fly.So you don’t have to think about some kind of chemical reaction to create a romantic flower on the fly but we are working on.I’ll come to cold it and meet or doors in the right time with the right intensity and remove them from your nose so you are ready for the next.I’ll think for tastings is a bit more complicated there are two main Direction one is working on light.And the second one the second miss a research direction is working on the idea of using electrodes.Because at the end of the day you know all the stimuli will see drawer brain is transported by a single Spike but it’s basically an electric signal.So this is what is happening in the market.

[14:45] So basically there would be no need for people like to go walk across Greenland if there’s like

A Library Of Extraordinary Experiences

[14:52] one door who’s actually doing that and is it possible to have something like a library when we actuallycan store these experiences and then kind of salad again and again and again.Yes yes indeed that was what we developed on our app to enable people,to have the Gap a library of experience like the the Netflix of the experience or it’s a Marketplace so the Uber of the experience and on the same.At the same time if people that experienced something want to enable othersto have the same experience they are allowed and to keep them on their memory so that they can go and they have experience it again if they if they want to.

[15:48] That is a pretty good idea.Just to be clear again your app is just a Marketplace you are enabling this and you’re not providing the service that you can directly hook up to the hardware right.

[16:02] Exactly exactly.Great so we will provide down here in the show notes of course a link to your LinkedIn profile to fabricate your selected profile as well as a downloadable linkto the App Store are you guys available on Android and Apple,we will be we are now in closed beta and we are now working as a say before on enabling Diva streaming video on demand and we are so basically what you say about library before the next.Big enough National Geographic on Netflix series will have senses.And and so in yeah probably free for a month we will freely delivered yet,so basically at this point in time we will update the show notes here and then you’ll be able to download the app.Thank you guys did we miss any important points here you want to make.

[17:03] Oh if you think about the future and the impact of this thing.It’s basically means but any kind of content producer any kind of try to think about advertising.Try to advertise I don’t know your favorite for your favorite powerful with only audio and video spring frustrating try to imagine what stimuli.Do it and so the idea of what Pedro says about the ecosystem is but this thing will impact a lot of different reality so that’s why people and investor and wellare excited we already,close the CD investment of half a million so we are pretty happy about it and we can accelerate dramatically.The future now.

Putting Weight Waters Out Of Business?

[17:54] That sounds pretty interesting and actually I do believe one of the biggest possible markets if I think about it is you may put Weight Watchers out of business because people can experience almost every tastein the future without gaining calories right.

[18:10] Yes so in terms of validation or business opportunities indeed we in the last year I’ve beentalking to several verticals or service several businesses that validated the the interest and the application of these framework let’s call it so for example one year agowe took part of the universe’s virus wherethe solution won the category for arts and culture so we have been talking with different museumsthe same goes for Industries like the sports and football industry music industry so it’s been the amount of opportunities aheadit’s very very very interesting for us.

Changing Sports Experiences Forever?

[19:03] And just recently the Super Bowl has been happening and I can see that some some people will buy very expensive very good tickets for the Super Bowl and just stream their experience and have you ever given any thoughts toolicense agreements like this if they are permitted to do this on a Super Bowl event or something like that.

[19:24] Well it’s something complex but we have been in discussions with,stakeholders like the ones you just mentioned and and and just sorry I’m going a little bit crazy here one more question could you also like half.Do your being like.For example a soccer player football player a quarterback a basketball player could that be also the doers of basically sports fans are not confined to the outside of the game but they can actually be in there.

[19:57] That’s exactly what we want to do that’s what we have been pitching to these institutionsand you just mention one example another example in the future could be for example robots or drones so that it can be even not a human being so it can be an enemafor example yeah.

[20:20] That sounds pretty promising everybody would like to learn more go down here in the show notes there are either the link to our blog post or the link directly to you guys we are providing the links to almost.Everything in our show notes with very sorry if the links don’t work because we get this feedback recently guys like Spotify they tend to deactivate them and on other platforms you can still use them very sorry about that guys,thank you very much was just a pleasure talking to you and it opens up very new ways of thinking about sports and many many other things,thank you very much was pleasure having you.

[21:01] Thank you thank you that’s all folks find more news streams event.And interviews at.

[21:13] Music.

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